History of Menstruation

It turns out that menstruation is a pretty interesting topic when you get down to it.

There's a lot of history and mythology surrounding it, and even today, it's still a taboo subject. In this post, we'll take a look at the history of menstruation and some of the myths and legends that have been associated with it over the years.

Early History of Menstruation

You might not know this, but the history of menstruation is a pretty long one. Menstruation has been around for centuries, and it's only in recent years that we've started to talk about it more openly.

The earliest recorded reference to menstruation is from Ancient Egypt, around 1550 BCE. In the Ebers Papyrus, which is a medical text from that period, there are instructions for how to deal with menstrual blood.

Throughout history, there have been all sorts of beliefs and myths about menstrual blood. In some cultures, it was thought to be magical and powerful, while in others it was seen as dirty and impure.

These days, we're (finally) starting to see menstrual blood in a more positive light. We're destigmatizing periods and opening up the conversation about all things menstrual health. And that's something we can all feel good about!

Menstruation in Different Cultures

In some cultures, menstruation is seen as a time of seclusion, when a woman is not allowed to participate in normal activities. She may be confined to her home or a special hut, and her diet may be restricted. In other cultures, menstruation is seen as a time of cleansing and purification, and special rituals are performed. In still other cultures, there is no special significance attached to menstruation.

The Menstrual Taboo

Another way that menstruation has been controlled throughout history is through the menstrual taboo. This is the idea that periods are dirty, and unclean, and should be hidden away. And it's something that's still very much alive today.

The menstrual taboo has its roots in a lot of different cultures, but one of the most notable is Christianity. In the Bible, there are a lot of references to menstruation as being unclean. And this idea has been passed down through the years, carried on by those in positions of power.

The result is that women have been made to feel ashamed of their periods like it's something to be hidden away. And this is something that needs to change. Menstruation is a natural process that happens to half of the population. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

The Evolution of Period Products

You might be surprised to learn that period products have come a long way since their humble beginnings. The first menstrual cups were made out of rubber in the 1930s!

It wasn't until the 1980s that menstrual cups started to take off, thanks to advances in manufacturing and materials. Today, there are all sorts of different menstrual cups on the market, made out of everything from silicone to latex.

pads and tampons have also come a long way. The first pads were made out of rags or cloth, and it wasn't until 1888 that the first disposable pad was invented. Tampons were invented in 1929, and they've also undergone a lot of changes since then.

So next time you reach for a period product, think about all the progress that's been made in the last hundred years or so!


So there you have it – a brief history of menstruation. From Ancient Egypt to the modern day, menstruation has been shrouded in mystery, superstition, and shame. But things are changing. More and more women are speaking out about their periods and demanding better period products and education.

Categories: : Inner Seasons, Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Harmony