Headaches and hormones: What's the connection?

We'll explore the hormone and headache connection, and I'll give you some tips on how to deal with period headaches.

Do I Just Have To Power Through My Period Headaches?

You're getting a headache—again. This one seems to show up around the same time every month, and it's always worse during your period. You've heard that there might be a connection between hormones and headaches, but you're not sure what to do about it.

You're not alone. Many women suffer from headaches during their periods. And while there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to deal with them, there are a few things you can do to ease the pain. In this article, we'll explore the hormone and headache connection, and I'll give you some tips on how to deal with period headaches.

What Is the Hormone and Headache Connection?

You may have noticed that your headaches are especially bad during your period. This isn't a coincidence. There is a hormone and headache connection, and it's because of the changes in your hormones that occur during your period.

Specifically, estrogen and progesterone can both cause headaches. Estrogen is a migraine trigger for some people, and it's also responsible for the bloating and breast tenderness that is common during menstruation. Progesterone can also be a headache trigger, and it's responsible for mood swings and fatigue.

You Don’t Have to Power Through Your Period Headaches

You don't have to power through your period headaches. You can take some simple steps to help prevent them in the first place. And if you do experience pain, some treatments can help.

Start by tracking your headaches. This can help you identify any patterns and triggers. Once you know what sets off your headaches, you can start to prepare for them.

Think about your nutrition and see if there are any changes you need to make. Often, dehydration or caffeine withdrawal can lead to headaches. Make sure you're drinking enough fluids and avoiding too much caffeine.

If you're experiencing pain, get rest. This is crucial for healing. And think about the types of movement that feel right for you during this time. Gentle exercises like yoga or Pilates can be helpful, as can breathing exercises (pranayama).

You're not alone in this. Many women experience period headaches. There are treatments available that can help relieve the pain.

Start With Tracking

The first step? Start tracking. This way you can get a sense of how often your headaches are occurring and what might be triggering them. Keep a headache diary, making a note of when they happen, what you were doing before they started, and what kind of pain you were experiencing. This information is key in helping you and your doctor identifies any patterns and possible causes.

When I say to track your symptoms, I often forget to mention to track also your menstrual cycle, I consider that part of the tracking, but then I realized that sometimes, women don't track their menstrual cycle on these occasions. So, also track your menstrual cycle, it is helpful to keep track of your menstrual cycle, as headaches can sometimes be related to hormonal fluctuations. If you notice that you tend to get headaches at a certain time in your cycle, or right before your period starts, that's something you can work on with help of a specialist.

Prepare to Prevent: Get Rest, Think About Nutrition, Movement That Feels Right

We all know the feeling. You can sense it coming on and you just know that the throbbing ache will soon settle in and make your day a living nightmare. Period headaches are one of the more common symptoms that come with your period, but it doesn’t have to be an inevitability.

Of course, getting rest is a great way to prevent period headaches, but there are other ways you can take care of yourself as well. Thinking about nutrition can do wonders, as proper nourishment can ease any type of headache while also giving your body the nutrients it needs to mitigate any hormone swings. Additionally, depending on how you’re feeling at the time, gentle movements like walking or some light stretching can help relieve tension and provide relief from the pain.

Doing all of these things before your period will help you balance out those hormones and potentially prevent some of your future period headaches. You don’t have to power through them!

How to Treat Period Headache Pain

There are a lot of ways to treat period headache pain. Of course, your doctor or specialist can offer advice on what medications will work best for you. 

You can also try self-care strategies such as thinking about nutrition, getting rest, and moving in a way that feels right for you. Drinking more water and avoiding coffee can help reduce headaches because dehydration is a common cause. Keeping a headache diary and tracking the amount of sleep you get, the amount of caffeine you consume and your stress levels can help determine what triggers your headaches so that you can avoid them in the future.

Ayurvedic treatment in this regard aims to correct Vaata, and one method that has been proven is the use of Dashamoola, especially in the form of Uttaravasti. However, it's important to note that the appropriate treatment for each individual depends on a thorough analysis of their specific symptoms and complaints.

Finally, if it’s within your budget, consider seeing an acupuncturist or physiotherapist for headache relief – both have been known to be effective in treating period-related pain. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution so it’s important to try different methods until you find what works best for you.

You’re Not Alone

It can be easy to feel like you’re the only person dealing with period headaches — but don’t worry, you’re not alone. As many as 75% of people with menstrual cycles report experiencing headaches, and the good news is that there are lots of ways to proactively prevent and manage them.

Start by tracking your migraines to identify any patterns, such as where in your cycle they tend to occur. This can help you get a better understanding of what might be causing them and how best to manage them. You can also work with your doctor or specialist to determine if any underlying medical conditions are playing into your period headaches, like high blood pressure or hormonal imbalances.

Just remember: no matter what kind of headaches you’re dealing with, there’s hope for relief. With the right knowledge and tools, you don't have to just power through it — so take charge and take care of yourself!


So what can you do to ease your period headache pain? Here are a few ideas:

  • Get plenty of rest. When you're feeling run down, your body is already working hard to combat the headache.
  • Think about your nutrition. Are you eating enough protein and fiber? Are you getting enough water? All of these things can help to ease your period headache.
  • Move in a way that feels right. Some people find that movement helps to ease their headache pain. Try some gentle yoga or stretching.
  • Consider practicing pranayama or meditation.

Remember, you're not alone. Many women experience period headaches, and there are plenty of ways to ease the pain.

Learn more about your cycle on my blog page!

Categories: : Inner Seasons, Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Harmony