Honoring Our True Strength Without Blaming Hormones

You are not a slave to your hormones, even though it may sometimes feel that way.

When it comes to standing up for ourselves, we've heard it time and time again: "It's not your fault. It's your hormones." But is that an excuse?

If we're being honest, blaming our hormones is just an easy way out. It lets us off the hook, and it absolves the person who said or did something hurtful. It also perpetuates the idea that women are emotional, irrational, and unstable.

The truth is, we are complex beings with a wide range of emotions. We are cyclical, and our moods can change day by day, hour by hour. We are also capable of rational thought and clear communication.

So the next time someone tries to stand in your way, don't let them use your hormones as an excuse. Let them know that you're not what they're thinking.

Period Shaming and Its Effect on Self-Esteem

It's no secret that periods are often accompanied by a feeling of intense shame. From an early age, we're taught that our periods are dirty, shameful, and embarrassing. We're told that our periods are a sign of weakness and that we should be ashamed of them.

This has a devastating effect on our self-esteem. We come to see our periods as something to be ashamed of, and this carries over into every other aspect of our lives. We become afraid to stand up for ourselves, for fear of being ridiculed or shamed. 

It's time to embrace empowerment. It's time to acknowledge the strength within us when we stand up for ourselves. We transcend beyond our periods, and we possess the inherent right to assert our voices. We are resilient, influential women, and our voices deserve to resonate.

The History and Science of Hysteria

So where does this leave us when it comes to standing up for ourselves? It's important to understand the science and history of hysteria so that we can shed some light on the way it's used to discredit women.

Hysteria is a condition that has been used to pathologize and discredit women for centuries. It was first identified by Hippocrates in the 5th century BC, and he described it as a "wandering womb." Throughout history, hysteria has been used to label women who spoke out against authority, expressed their sexuality, or displayed any sort of emotion other than docility and subservience.

In more recent times, hysteria has been linked with PMS and periods. This is because many of the symptoms of hysteria- such as irritability, mood swings, and fatigue- are also symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. As a result, women are often dismissed as being emotional or irrational when they stand up for themselves. Their concerns are written off as being caused by hormones, rather than being taken seriously.

Women as Complex Beings Not Controlled by Hormones

Your hormones hold the potential for great influence when harnessed effectively, that's why it is important to have a balanced lifestyle, but they should never dictate your every move. You possess the ultimate authority over your own life, and you are capable of making choices that align with your true self.

You are a unique and multifaceted individual, and your hormones represent only a fraction of your being. Embrace the entirety of your complexities and recognize your inherent ability to advocate for yourself, regardless of the challenges that come your way.

Cyclical Living as a Guide for Healthy Living

It’s time to open up to cyclical living: understanding that the environment around us and our inner landscape, both impact our hormones, moods, and feelings. This means honoring our rhythms and respecting the rhythms of others. It also means understanding when and how we need to take a break, how to listen to our body, and knowing when we’re feeling overwhelmed or tired.

Rather than berating ourselves for asserting our needs or feeling overwhelmed at times, let us embrace the understanding that everyone experiences fluctuations in requiring additional support and rest. It's crucial to recognize that it's perfectly alright to experience a range of emotions, as this is an inherent aspect of life's natural rhythm. By granting ourselves the freedom to honor our emotions, we pave the way for cultivating a more nurturing connection with our bodies and nurturing a greater capacity for self-care.

Find Empowered Support for Uplifting Voices

No matter what form the stigma takes on, it’s important to remember that we are entitled to honor our individual needs and beliefs. Although it can be difficult to find empowered support amid the cacophony of opinions, it’s worth remembering that each voice is precious and valid.

Look for strong female role models in your community or online who reflect your values and aspirations. You might want to join a book club or an online forum where members can listen and give critiques in a safe environment. This type of safe space could provide an anchor for a growing self-awareness journey.

Seek out mentors and influential people who have experienced similar struggles, but have found success in speaking up for themselves. A powerful resource is social media — search for individuals that promote self-empowerment and make use of the connections you establish by engaging with them. Be open to learning from others!

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Harmful Beliefs

Are you familiar with the cycle of self-harmful beliefs? It's a way of seeing the world as if it's set up against us, and our only option is to accept the status quo or else suffer the consequences. We can find ourselves feeling powerless and believing that when we stand up for ourselves, our hormones are just getting in the way.

It's a tricky cycle to break, but it is possible. Start by getting curious about why you're feeling so powerless and why hormones are being used as an excuse. 

By understanding these underlying issues, we can start to shift our perspective from being a victim to recognizing our power, strength, and autonomy. We can recognize that hormones aren't the only factor driving us forward and see them as one element in a larger matrix of self-empowerment - including our emotions, needs, limits, and values. Finally, we can start to find empowered support where we know ourselves better and don't need anyone else's permission or approval to stand up for ourselves.


So, the next time you feel yourself bristling when someone implies that your anger or reaction is hormonal, remember: you are more than your hormones. You are a complex being with a unique and valid perspective. It is so important to learn to take care of ourselves, and that's why I'm teaching what I'm teaching 😊 . Learn how to authentic.

Explore further insights about your cycle on blog page!

Categories: : Inner Seasons, Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Harmony