Menstrual Leave Policies: Why They Should be a Must at Your Workplace

What Is Menstrual Leave and What Are the Benefits of Menstrual Leave Policies? Find out more about it in this article.

Menstrual Leave Policies: Why They Are Essential for the Workplace

Imagine this: You're a young woman, just starting in your career. You've worked hard to land your dream job, and you're finally doing what you love. But there's one problem: Every month, you have to take time off work because you suffer from PMS.

Sound far-fetched? Unfortunately, it's not. According to a study by the Huffington Post, approximately half of all women deal with painful periods each month, and many take time off work as a result. That's why menstrual leave policies are essential for the workplace—and here's why.

What Is Menstrual Leave?

Although it's a topic that's still considered taboo by many, menstrual leave is a policy that deserves to be championed. After all, it's a policy that can help improve the lives of working women everywhere.

Menstrual leave is exactly what it sounds like: time off from work afforded to women during their periods. It can be used for various reasons, such as cramps, headaches, nausea, and other menstrual-related symptoms. And, in some cases, the leave can be used to recover from childbirth.

While not every country offers paid menstrual leave, many are beginning to see the benefits of implementing such a policy. Japan was one of the first countries to offer menstrual leave, with India following suit soon after. South Korea also offers menstrual leave, as does Taiwan.

menstrual leave
Menstrual Leave

What Are the Benefits of Menstrual Leave Policies?

You might be wondering why it's so important for companies to have menstrual leave policies in the first place. There are a lot of benefits to be had by implementing these policies, both for employees and employers.

For employees, menstrual leave policies provide much-needed time off when they're often debilitated by pain and fatigue. It also allows them to take care of their health and well-being without having to worry about losing income or facing disciplinary action. This can be a huge relief, both physically and emotionally, and we know how this affects our inner winter.

Employers also benefit from menstrual leave policies, as they help to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace. When employees feel supported and valued, they're more likely to be productive and committed to their job. Inclusivity also helps to attract top talent, as more and more people are looking for workplaces that align with their values.

Cultural Stigma Around Menstruation and Its Impact

It's no secret that there's still a lot of cultural stigma around menstruation. In some countries, it's considered dirty or shameful. Unfortunately, this taboo has a real impact on the workplace.

Many women feel uncomfortable discussing their periods with their coworkers—or even their superiors. They're worried about being judged or how it will make them seem less capable or professional. So they end up hiding their menstrual symptoms, even if it means dealing with debilitating pain or feeling sick to their stomachs.

This is why menstrual leave policies are so essential. They help to break down the cultural taboo and create a more open and inclusive workplace. They remind employees that periods are a normal, healthy part of life and that everyone deals with them in different ways.

How to Make Menstrual Leave Policies Work in the Workplace

Making menstrual leave policies easier and more accessible starts from the top. Leaders and managers need to be inclusive, vocal, and flexible with their employees' needs.

Leaders should promote an open dialog about periods and the importance of menstrual leave policies for their employees. It's essential to recognize that all bodies are different, periods can be unpredictable, and everyone should be allowed to take the time they need for proper self-care.

Additionally, managers must provide consistent support by ensuring that any menstruation leave taken is not met with penalties or reprimands. Rather, managers should foster an atmosphere in which absent employees are given a space to reconnect with their teams without feeling ashamed or embarrassed upon their return. Ultimately, leaders need to reinforce the fact that menstrual leave is not something shameful—it's something necessary!

The Best Menstrual Journal
The Best Menstrual Journal

Warning Signs and Guidelines for Employers

The International Women's Health Coalition warns employers of the dangers of not providing menstrual leave policies. For example, if an employee is having a difficult time due to her menstrual cycle, she could become irritable, fatigued, and lack concentration. This can lead to decreased productivity and efficiency. On the other hand, providing a supportive environment for employees suffering from uncomfortable symptoms can help them feel more comfortable and productive.

To establish a supportive environment for those experiencing menstrual discomfort, employers should make sure to provide clear guidelines – such as how much time may be taken off and how it should be requested. They should also provide information on helpful workplace practices, like offering flexible schedules or allowing employees to work from home if needed. Finally, employers should encourage conversations surrounding menstrual health to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere where their employees feel supported.

What Organizations Should Consider When Implementing Menstrual Leave Policies

When developing and implementing a menstrual leave policy, organizations should consider the specifics of their policies. How many days of leave are employees entitled to? Can menstrual leave be used on an ad hoc or ongoing basis? Should employees be asked to provide evidence?

An important aspect of the policy should also be employee privacy. Organizations should ensure that menstrual leave is discussed in the same way any other type of leave would be - with discretion and respect. Employees should have the option to disclose their needs without fear of judgment from colleagues or employers.

Finally, organizations should also think about how they can go above and beyond when it comes to addressing period-related challenges in the workplace. This could involve stocking sanitary products for free in common areas, as well as providing access to education about period hygiene and products.

Challenges of Implementing a Menstrual Leave Policy

One challenge you might face in implementing a menstrual leave policy is convincing those in leadership positions to invest in it. But the rewards are well worth the effort! A menstrual leave policy is essential for creating a safe and supportive workplace, and it helps to ensure that your female employees can stay productive without having to deal with the pain of their cycle.

Another challenge could be making sure your staff understand that asking for menstrual leave isn't a sign of weakness, but rather an opportunity to take care of themselves and recharge after menstruating. It's also important to ensure everyone understands that menstrual leave is not intended to be abused – it should only be taken when needed.

There may also be legal challenges depending on where you live. Different countries have different labor laws when it comes to paid leave, so make sure you are getting advice from a qualified legal professional before implementing a menstrual leave policy in your workplace.


All in all, menstrual leave policies are something that all workplaces should consider implementing. They can be a huge help for women who are struggling with period pain, fatigue, and other symptoms that can make it difficult to work. Not only do they make life easier for women, but they also make it easier for employers to retain talented female employees.

Categories: : Female Emtrepreneurs, Inner Seasons, Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Harmony