You know, eating foods that are in season and using skincare and beauty products that align with the current season it's something I think we should all be doing to help keep our bodies and minds in balance. But there's another important aspect of living seasonally that we haven't talked about yet: your menstrual cycle.
You might be wondering, what exactly is living seasonally? In short, it means being in tune with the natural world and the changes that occur throughout the year. This can manifest in a lot of different ways. For example, you might choose to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, or only buy clothes that can be worn throughout multiple seasons. But living seasonally doesn’t just have to be about your food and fashion choices—it can also be about how you live your life. For instance, you might decide to spend more time outdoors in the summer months and take advantage of the warmer weather. Or in the winter, you might hibernate a bit more and spend more time indoors on cozy nights.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to living seasonally. It’s really about listening to your body and being attuned to the natural world around you.
If you live seasonally with your menstrual cycle, you'll find that your body naturally falls into sync with the changing seasons. You'll likely notice that you have more energy in the spring and summer, and feel a bit more sluggish in the fall and winter. Living seasonally can help to regulate your moods and energy levels, as well as your menstrual cycle. For example, if you live in a place with long, dark winters, you might find that your cycle is shorter and lighter in the winter months.
Seasonal living can also help to prevent PMS symptoms, such as bloating and mood swings. This is because when your body is in sync with the seasons, it's able to better regulate its hormone levels.
There are a few things you can do to make your seasonal living lifestyle work with your menstrual cycle.
● First, you can track your cycle and plan accordingly. If you know when will be menstruating during a busy season, you can plan your work and social activities around that time of the month.
● Second, you can adjust your diet to account for changes in your hormones. For example, you might want to eat more grounding foods like root vegetables during the fall and winter months, when your body is naturally inclined to sluggishness and low energy levels. Conversely, during the spring and summer months, when your body is naturally inclined to be more active, you might want to eat lighter fare like salads and fruits.
● Third, you can use seasonal herbs and supplements to help balance your hormones. For example, a chaste berry is a great herb for regulating the menstrual cycle, and it's helpful during the fall and winter months. So if you find yourself feeling out of balance during those times of the year, chaste berries could be a helpful addition to your diet.
On a more specific note here are some suggestions to integrate the two cycles:
1. Observe the changing seasons: Pay attention to the seasonal shifts happening in your environment. Notice the changes in weather, temperature, and daylight hours. Use this as a reminder to tune into your own body's rhythms.
2. Adapt your activities: Sync your activities with the energy of the current season. For example:
• In the winter season, when nature slows down, take time for introspection, rest, and rejuvenation.
• During the spring season, when nature is blossoming, engage in activities that promote renewal, growth, and creativity.
• In the summer season, when nature is vibrant, embrace outdoor activities, social connections, and self-expression.
• In the autumn season, when nature begins to wind down, focus on self-care, reflection, and grounding practices.
3. Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors and immerse yourself in the natural world. Take walks in the park, hike, or simply sit in nature. Observing the seasonal changes can deepen your connection with the cycles of the Earth.
4. Seasonal foods: Embrace seasonal eating by consuming locally available fruits, vegetables, and herbs. These foods are fresher, more sustainable, and often provide the nutrients your body needs during different times of the year.
5. Rituals and ceremonies: Create rituals or ceremonies that mark the transition between menstrual phases and seasons. This can be as simple as lighting candles, meditating, or setting intentions aligned with the current season and phase.
Remember, the menstrual cycle and the seasons of the Earth are both natural cycles. By consciously aligning your lifestyle with these cycles, you can create a sense of harmony and connection with yourself and the world around you.
There's no right or wrong way to live seasonally, but if you want to give it a try, the key is to be flexible and go with the flow. Let your body be your guide, and listen to what it's telling you. Your menstrual cycle can be a great indicator of what your body needs, so use it as a tool to help you live in tune with the seasons. Each person's menstrual cycle may vary, and it's essential to listen to your body and adapt these guidelines to suit your unique needs.
Keeping a menstrual cycle tracking app or journal can help you become more aware of your body's patterns and better plan your activities accordingly. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a menstrual health specialist can provide personalized guidance and support for a seasonal lifestyle in relation to your menstrual cycle.