Welcome To
My Podcast

Inspiring stories and teachings on
how to put yoga and reiki theory
 into sustainable practice in our day-to-day lives

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How to bring theory into practice?

About The Show 

Hey yogi, I’m Aiko, and welcome to my podcast. The idea for this show was born from the thousands of times that I’ve heard something inspiring and thought, “I should implement that,” but then somehow it just hasn’t happened. Considering that there are many people out there who are able to consistently go deeper into their practice in a healthy way and also many people like myself who struggle with that, I thought to create this platform as a meeting point between them.

What Is Ekadasi?

What Is Ekadasi?

In the Vedic calendar, which follows the lunar phases Ekadasi occurs on the 11th day after the full moon, and the 11th day after the new moon. Yogis in ancient times were observing the moon’s influenced on the mind and noticed a correlation between this moon phase, Ekadasi, and the arising of inner distractions from the yoga practice. Instead of seeing this as a problem, they saw it as an opportunity, a challenge in the good sense of the word, and created a tradition of eating light food on this day and pay extra attention to their practice. I’m sending out my newsletter on ekadasi trying to honor this special day.